20 Mar CCCG Welcomes Taiwan Delegation
At an Appreciation Luncheon hosted by the Salvation Army of Guam on March 11, 2011, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam received a Community Partnership Award. President George Lai accepted the Award in the presence of several CCCG Directors and Committee Chairs. The CCCG’s contribution to the Toy Drive really made a big difference. In December, 2010, the CCCG donated more than 1000 toys to the needy children of Guam, worth more than $20,000.00. Last spring, CCCG won the highly coveted Volunteer of the Year Award from the Salvation Army. We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to another successful Miracle Toy Drive in 2010, spearheaded by the CCCG. The Miracle Toy Drive Committee was chaired by CCCG Director Jack Chan.