Laura Dacanay Retirement Appreciation Dinner with Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam

Laura Dacanay Retirement Appreciation Dinner with Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam

Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam President Benson Au-Yeung graciously hosted a dinner in honor of Ms. Laura Dacanay’s retirement, First Hawaiian Bank Senior Vice President, Guam & CNMI Region Manager, at Samurai Restaurant in Tumon Bay on May 27th 2016.


The last picture from left to right: Peter Lai, Kenneth Lujan, Brian Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Horecky, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Young, Tiffany Tam McCarroll, Edson Lai, Mrs. Zhao, Becky Kurashina, Alex Au-Yeung, Ella Estrella, Chuck McCarroll, Justin Chen, William Li, Richard Lai. Albert Wu, Grace Au-Yeung, Benson Au-Yeung, Laura Dacanay, Hank Dacanay, Peter Chui, Mark Zhao and Nancy Ang Tan.